Thursday, January 15, 2009

Early-out Wednesdays

 The tram stop by our apartment.  We took the tram to the downtown part of Zürich on Wednesday afternoon.  Travis and the kids all have the afternoon off!  We took them to a 4-story toy store where they picked out a couple toys with some Christmas money.  Leif had sticker shock looking at Legos and Playmobil in the Swiss Franc (CHF) and couldn't decide for quite a while.  Even with the exchange, the toys were definitely higher priced than in the US.  They build the taxes into the price though, so it's maybe not as much as it seems.  Hanna picked out some art supplies and a jump-rope and Elisabet picked out a playmobil car, donkeys, and a wand with sparkles.  When she carried it to the schoolyard, it was a big hit with Hanna's classmates who all stood around and tried it, while we wondered what exactly they were saying.  I'm hoping Hanna will be able to help me out in a few weeks!  While she tried out her new jump-rope, she practiced counting to 20 in German.  Leif has successfully navigated back and forth to school on the tram by himself and seems comfortable with the process.  I think it feels pretty grown-up to be able to do it without help from us.  Elisabet is frustrated that they are going to school and don't stay home all day to play with her.  When we bring up the idea of her going to a pre-school or playgroup, she says 'but it's with moms'.  She is not about to be left somewhere without Travis or me in this new, strange place!

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