Monday, January 19, 2009


Each place we've lived has presented me with a new running terrain and routine. Maine included runs along the ocean bays and through pine-scented woods (as well as a trail beneath the Naval Air Base landing route), Washington was full of gravel roads and the hilly Palouse, and Minnesota affords expansive miles of trails along the MIssissippi and around the many lakes of Minneapolis (and of course the city streets of St Paul). Zürich is yet another city to get to know on foot. We live 1 km away from a wooded hill that has so many trails I'm sure I will get lost on them. I have also tried a trail along the Glatt river, although part of it is closed off in the winter. In the dark mornings, I've been running on the well-lit city streets towards the Tierspital (Vet Hospital). Although Switzerland is famous for it's triathletes, I'm haven't exactly seen many runners. Maybe the colder winter has kept them indoors. I was told that the trails on the hill is popular with mountain bikers in the warmer months. It's an impressive workout on my legs, which are more accustomed to the flat terrain of MN. On Saturday I ran up to the top of the hill where the city zoo is and it was just high enough that is was out of the fog and the sun felt amazing after a week of clouds. Elisabet and I took a run together (she in the jogger) to the Tierspital and she told me several times that she knew where we were if I got lost. It did not escape her notice that I had tucked a map in the pocket of the jogger. I forgot how much work it is to push her! With Travis leaving for work on the 7:14 tram, I can't get in my typical 9-10 mile morning run.... I've been trying to get out for an hour. I still have to work out some routes in the daylight. Then maybe I'll be ready for that Zürich marathon in April!

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